Kate Jones, Board Secretary & Ensemble Alum

Who is Kate Jones? It’s an intriguing question and one that cannot be easily answered with a few quips about her life or her demeanor. Because, you see, who are any of us really? Are we the sum of our experiences? Our likes and dislikes? Are we our passport stamps and Darth Tater dolls? Are we our video game consoles and Merchant Mariner Documents? Are we our Karlstad sofas and coaster collections? Are we all of these things, and none of these things at the same time? It is likely that we are carbon-based (unless you’re a phosphorus based being, in which case, drop Kate a note and say hello or whatever it is that your culture uses for a salutation) life-forms (Kate would like to note that she is not a carbon chauvinist and does not mean to offend), but that’s certainly an absurd place to begin a bio. Unless you are a total nerd. Then it might be a good place to end.

Kate Jones is a carbon based life-form.