Locker 4173b

 Written and performed by Christopher Borg and Joey Rizzolo
Featuring Yeauxlanda Kay
Directed by Justin Tolley

A hilarious and heartbreaking account of two New York Neos, Joey and Borg, who embark on an urban archeological adventure. After purchasing two storage lockers up for auction in the Bronx, Joey and Borg painstakingly examined and archived the over 1500 items they contained. Now it is time to unravel the mystery of what happened to their former owners.

LOCKER 4173b is a striking look at the aftermath of “The Time of Shedding and Cold Rocks.” The financial meltdown just got very personal.

“It took us over six months to catalogue all 1500+ items,” shares co-creator Christopher Borg. “Many weekends with a small group of volunteers around a table full of laptops and boxes and bags of ‘stuff,’ much of which was the kind of thing we all throw away at a good spring cleaning. But taken together, and looked at from afar, it paints the picture of a life, and a life examined is a life worthwhile.”

LOCKER #4173b was a 2011 NYIT award winner for Best Performance Art Production.

“Intriguing, clever, and occasionally surprisingly moving” -Backstage

 World Premiere: April 28 – May 21, 2011