Katie Kay Chelena

I was born near the Salvador Dali museum with both legs dislocated and a full mop of black hair, called Katie Kay Chelena, and slapped on the ass.

After that, I became began begat
the oil slick in the pothole, an open
mouthed kiss, a shattered disco ball,
the wild animal just outside your tent,
a sharpened No. 2 pencil, your luckiest
pair of underwear, an ecstatic collection
of particles born of starlight ripping
itself to shreds, a rogue wave, ice cream,
a pack of wolves, reclamation,
that feeling you get when you tell someone
you love them for the first time + they say it back,
the moment you tell your grandma “it’s okay to go” + so she does,
the golden hour, the bird shit on the sidewalk,
the persimmon tree + the olive branch,
the broken bone, the alchemy book,
and many more things I’ve yet to become,
and you became began begat all these things too,
so all these things exist both in me + in you.

tldr: I’m a theater artist.
